Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Esti has metal in her head! Yeah!

Much has happened since my blog got shut down b/c I was obviously trying to spam people with it. Fortunetly, I have been cleared of my crime by the blogspot spamming squad and i'm able to once again pollute the interent w/ stories of little interest to most ppl. Big sigh of relief!
First of all, Esti got her cochlear implants yesterday, and B"H she is doing great. Looking at her and watching the way she acted today you would never know that she had had a 6 1/2 hour surgery yesterday. The only marks of her surgery are a little incision behind each ear, which is not too gross (Zavey, however, was absolutely disgusted by it and could not look at it for more than a second), and a little bit of hair that around her ear that had to be shaved. In saying the following I am revealing how truly superficial I am, but I find the shaved hair more offensive than the incision.
Enough about the implants right now; we will get back to it later. I want to go back and make up for some time that the spamming police stole. I have a cute Zavey story from Sunday. We were in the car and Esti was crying and crying. After probably five minutes of crying Zavey said, "Esti is crying because she is so scrared about having her head cut off at the hospital." Since I first told Zavey about Esti's surgery and told him that they are going to cut her head open, Zavey has not been able to get the idea out of his brain the Esti head will be cut off. Very cute, and disturbing.
On Monday I was a bit of a wreak b/c i was so nervous about the surgery. Aside from all the horrible thoughts about what can happen in surgery and anesthesia, i found myself most worried that Esti would not actually be able to have the surgery b/c she would get sick and they wouldnt put her under anesthesia. I didnt want her around other children for that reason, so my mother took her for most of the day and i was able to spend time w/ zavey and shaya which was very nice.
The morning of the surgery was pretty intense. We had to be at the hospital at 6:00 am so we (me and Esti) left at 5:30. In the car she sounded perfectly healthy - no coughing, congested breathing. We get in the elevator to go to the presurgical unit and all of the sudden she starts to cough and not a dry "i just happen to be coughing for no reason" type cough. This was a congested, phlegmy, "my lungs are gunked up w/ snot" type cough. My worries are now validated and begin to reach a fever pitch. We get into the unit and the nurse's assistant listens to her lungs and says, "she sounds sort of congested, the anesthesiologist will have to listen to her to determine if he can safely give her anesthesia." Great! I spend the next hour davening and crying. Then the coughing dies down, but yellow snot begins to drip from her nose and i just think to myself, "this is Hashem's way of telling me that today is not the right day for the surgery, not only is she coughing but her nose is runny." So then I cry and daven some more, unable to accpet that she really might not have the surgery today after all of my anxious waiting. Ten minutes before the anesthesilogist comes, her nose seems to clear up and then the anesthesiologist listens to her lungs and says, "sounds great!" and thats the end of it. Now, in retrospect I think that the coughing was Hashem's way of really getting me to daven and the runny nose was just the snot coming up so it could clear out of her chest. Everyone should now start singing miami boys choir's "Cause it's min hashamaim..."

Then we had another siata dishmaya occurence. I had this big idea to say all of sefer tehillim during the surgery. Little did i know sefer tehillim is really quite lengthy and i am really quite slow and poor at reading hebrew. I start upon my hopeful endeavor only to find that hours into the surgery I am less than 50 parakim into it (out of 150) and it doesnt look like i will have the stamina or will to finish - i realize that this makes me soud like a pretty bad mother. B"H, my parents show up and each take a bunch of parakim. Then at 2:00, I'm still 40 parakim away from finshing, and the surgical nurse calls me and says that they are closing up the second ear and that they should be done shortly. So i call Avi to tell him to hurry over and continue on at my quickest possible pass. by that time avi gets there i have ten parakim left and we split those between the two of us. as soon as we finish we make the mishabarach, and within a minute after finishing that they come to get us to see Esti. You may all begin to sing once again now.
After Esti got out of surgery she basically cried for and hour and a half. It was very painful to watch. We couldnt tell if she was crying b/c she was disoriented from the anesthesia or from actually being in pain from the surgery. The nurse added morphon to her IV a couple of times and eventually she calmed down and just lied still as long as she snuggled close to me or Avi. Here's a pic of distraught post surgery Esti.

Once we got up to the post surgical observation room they decided to let her eat. That made her very happy. With a half a package of caramel rice cakes in her belly she was almost back to her cute little lively self.

Once we got home she fell asleep in the car so we just pet her right into bed and she seemed fine. We were a little nervous that she would pull of the bandages b/4 morning, and we had these little restraints for her arms (also cute but disturbing) but we decided that putting them on her would probably only cause her to become more fussy and wake up and eventually pull those along w/ the bandaging off.
She only woke up once during the night - probably more b/c she had pished through her diaper than b/c she was in pain. While i changed her sheets she snuggled in bed w/ Abba for a few minutes and then went bacme in the crib w/out any protest.
She woke up in the morning feeling great and with her bandage intact. My mother was bringing the kids over b/4 school (they had slept at her house again the night b/4) b/c i really missed them already and i thought they would be interested in seeing Esti w/ the bandage around her head, so i kept it on. But just as all good (and weird looking) things must come to an end Esti pulled the bandage off b/4 they had a chance to see it.

That, so far, is the story of esti's implant. hopefully it will get more intersting and satisfying as time passes, my Hashem help us!

in unrelated news, the nordtrom half yearly sale started today and i felt the need to buy any pair of shoes that was mildly attractive and might fit any of my children over the course of the next year. Smart spending, right? later in the day we went to a new park that i hadnt taken them to since shaya was a baby and the change of pace was very nice and a good time was had by all. Of course, we had to follow that good time w/ dairy star.

one more unrelated story, i heard from shosh that zavey has convinced the entire class that mixing water and apple juice together actually makes a healthy drink, and the kids bought it! haha.

hopefully i wont be locked out of blogspot anymore and u wont have to read (and i wont have to write) long posts like this. alright, ttfn.


Shosh said...

Now I realize why I am friends with you. You are the funniest person I know.
BTW Rita, I can't get the song "Halloween Witch Magic" out of my head. It is SO catchy!

Rachel said...

i'll have to tell my mother about the catchy avodah zara song, b/c she will never figure out how to look at the comments on the blog